Workforce Dwelling Unit (WDU) and Affordable Dwelling Unit (ADU) Rental Programs
Let’s face it, finding an affordable place to rent in Chantilly is difficult. That’s why Preserve at Westfield is a proud member of the Workforce Dwelling Unit Rental Program (WDU) and Affordable Dwelling Unit Rental Program (ADU). These programs are designed to assist residents who live and work in Fairfax County. See below for more information regarding this incredible service!
This page is for individuals seeking more information regarding our ADU and WDU programs. Please contact a leasing professional regarding availability.
Workforce Dwelling Units (WDU)
The WDU Rental Program is designed to help working households afford to live in Fairfax County, near employment centers and transportations options – and avoid those long, expensive commutes from further away. In short, the WDU Rental Program can help you live near where you work – and spend less time on the road.
Affordable Dwelling Units (ADU)
The ADU Rental Program provides qualified low and moderate-income households the opportunity to live at a reduced rent in some of the new privately-owned and privately managed market-rate apartment communities located in Fairfax County.